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Ireland’s Free Mobile Travel Guide
Download our FREE App on iPhone and Android Now !!!!
Click on the links below or search for ‘activeme’ on your App Store
Great App Features
- Search ActiveME and find ‘Things to See and Do’ on the go !
- Search for attractions, walking, cycling, scenic drives, beaches, fishing spots and much more
- 200+ tourist attractions, 600+ walks, 50+ cycles, 10 scenic drives, 200+ beaches
- 400+fishing spots, 140+ nature and bird watching spots and much more
- Search Nearby using GPS and see your search results in List form or displayed on a Map
- Avoid getting lost, Follow our routes in real-time with LIVE GPS tracking on your phone
- Plan your trip, make a trip diary or create a ‘To Do’ list in the Favourites page
- Find the name of any mountain or lake in Ireland by turning on Points of Interest (POI) on our maps
Here is a sample of some Screen Shots